LMETB’s Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre of Excellence (AMTCE) celebrated recently with a thrilling conclusion to its FET Advanced Manufacturing Pathways Schools Project 2023/24. The celebration, which took place in Drogheda Institute of Further Education on 16th May, was the culmination of an innovative project between LMETB’s Post Primary Schools Transition Year Programme and the AMTCE. On the day, project groups got the opportunity to display and discuss their Advanced Manufacturing projects with an expert panel of judges, who had the difficult decision of deciding overall winners from the range of projects developed.
The LMETB Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre of Excellence (AMTCE) is a state-of-the art training facility based in Dundalk, Co Louth. It prides itself as a beacon for advanced manufacturing training, fostering the next generation of skilled professionals and supporting the transition of Irish companies to future-ready operations.
Since the centre’s opening in 2021, LMETB schools and colleges have been establishing linkages with the AMTCE. The FET Advanced Manufacturing Pathways Schools Project, which is a collaboration between the FET and Schools Directorates in LMETB, aims to inspire students to consider high-skilled STEM careers, and to broaden teachers’ views of the careers on offer.
Throughout the project, students engaged in various activities, including visits to the AMTCE, brainstorming sessions, concept development, and practical workshops. These activities not only provided invaluable learning experiences, but also connected students and teachers with industry professionals and showcased the diverse career opportunities in STEM fields. Teachers also benefited by gaining insights into new technologies such as design software and 3D printing, enhancing their ability to teach these subjects effectively.
At the project celebration in Drogheda Institute of Further Education and after much deliberation, the judges announced the winners to a packed room. Calling 1st Place winners “Bin Buddy” from St.Oliver Post- Primary in Oldcastle, Co. Meath to accept their plaque, Shauna Dunlop, Director of Research, Future Skills Needs, Statistics and Risk at SOLAS praised their project, a device designed to enable the user to carry two wheelie bins at once. 2nd place came back to Co. Louth with O Fiaich College, Dundalk students taking the silver for their “Table Tilter” Project. This project involved the development of a small device which when attached to a desk creates a tilt to help with posture. Also commended in 3rd place was O Carolan College, Nobber, Co. Meath students with their “Crutch Clip” project, which developed an aid to be attached to a crutch for hold everyday items like a phone, pens etc.
The celebratory event was a testament to the hard work and creativity of the participating students. Their innovative projects and prototypes highlighted the real-world applications of STEM education and the critical skills needed in the modern workplace.
LMETB would like to extend its appreciation to its panel of 6 external judges, who oversaw awarding of the prizes, which included: Shauna Dunlop from the National Further Education and Training Authority SOLAS, Sean O’Gorman representing the Engineering Technology Teachers Association and Gerard Smith and Robert Sullivan from CDE Global. The panel was completed by Thomas Campbell of Kuka Robotics Ireland and Joe McGrath, Engineering and Technology Specialist. Further information on the programme is available by emailing fclinton@lmetb.ie.
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