
Corporate Education Services
Home 5 Tenders 5 2024/42 Request for Tender to estabish a multi supplier framework agreement for the provision of Practical Showcase and Demonstration of Industry 4.0 Equipment and Processes

2024/42 Request for Tender to estabish a multi supplier framework agreement for the provision of Practical Showcase and Demonstration of Industry 4.0 Equipment and Processes

Apr 30, 2024

Publication date: 30/04/2024
Response deadline: 27/05/2024 12:00 Noon Irish time
Procedure: Open Procedure

Description: LMETB wish to establish a multi-party framework agreement for a range of service providers to provide Practical Showcase and Demonstration of Industry 4.0 Equipment, Prototype and Related Services to employers, current and future workforce, teachers and students and other key clients

Buyer: Louth and Meath Education & Training Board
