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Home 5 Tenders 5 2020 57 Panels for Electronics and Pneumatics Stream

2020 57 Panels for Electronics and Pneumatics Stream

Sep 18, 2020

2020 57 – Equipment for Advanced Manufacturing Technician Training Courses for Electronic and Pneumatic Stream

General information

Detailed description:

1 set of 17 panels (16 learner + 1 tutor for each set) consisting of the following equipment for Advanced Manufacturing Technician Training Course (Electronics Stream and Pneumatics Stream) 1. Motor ControlPanel (Required for both Streams) 2. PLC / Industrial Electrical Panel (Required for both Streams) 3. Pneumatics Panel (Required for Pneumatics Stream only) Additional Teach Items Associated with Pneumatics Training 4. Instrumentation / Equipment List: (Required for both Streams) 5. Computer Automated & Robotic Systems Principles & Control (Required for both Streams) 6. Mechanical Drive Training Platforms (Required for both Streams) 7. Tool Kits for PLC Panels Additional panels may be required subject to available funding

For more information click here https://irl.eu-supply.com/ctm/Supplier/PublicPurchase/173878/0/0?returnUrl=ctm/Supplier/publictenders&b=ETENDERS_SIMPLE