Louth and Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB) is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Eoin Murphy, as Deputy Principal at Ashbourne Community National School, Ashbourne, Co. Meath.
Eoin has worked as a Mainstream Class Teacher and Special Education Teacher at Ashbourne Community National School since September 2020 and also worked as Acting Deputy Principal during his time at the school. Eoin joins the senior leadership team with Ms. Jenny Byrne Principal, Ashbourne Community National School.
Eoin holds a Higher Diploma in Arts in Primary Education from Hibernia College and a Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership from University of Limerick.
Bringing a wealth of experience to the post, at present Eoin is working closely with the school Principal in planning for the start – up of the two Special Classes in Ashbourne CNS which will provide places for twelve students with Autism from September 2024. The main focus of planning at present is centred around engagement with parents/guardians of the pupils enrolled for the 2024/2025 academic year, engagement with the NCSE, recruitment and induction of school staff and a comprehenisvetransfer and transition programme for pupils to their new class.
Eoin has a range of experience in the areas of Curriculum Development, School Self Evaluation, Policy Formulation, Development and Review, Engagement with Parent School Partnerships and promotion of co-curricular and extra curricular activities in education and he looks forward to continuing working in these areas across the school.
As a Deputy Principal within the LMETB Schools Directorate, Eoin will also have the collegial support of the Senior Management teams in LMETB’s eighteen Post Primary
schools, three other Community National Schools, Cara Community Special School, three PLC colleges and the Centre for European Schooling in Dunshaughlin.
LMETB schools receive considerable support, guidance and direction from the Director of Schools, Ms. Fiona Kindlon and within the Organisation, Support and Development Directorate, LMETB Schools and Colleges avail of a range of supports including Human Resources, Buildings, ICT, Finance and Corporate and Education Services. This network of support at Head Office level supports the work of the LMETB Board in ensuring that all LMETB schools/colleges/centres are compliant in the areas of Corporate Governance. Eoin looks forward to engaging with personnel in these sections of LMETB over the coming weeks as he plans for transition to his new leadership role within LMETB.
Further information on Ashbourne Community National School is available on https://ashbournecns.ie/
The Schools Directorate LMETB can be contacted at schoolsdirectorate@lmetb.ie.
Further information on LMETB is available on www.lmetb.ie or follow us on Twitter @LouthMeath ETB, Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/louthmeathetb/ and Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/louthmeathetb/?hl=en