- Minister Simon Harris launches year-round 1800 794487 National Apprenticeship Office helpline
- Free service provides apprenticeship advice for second level students, parents, career seekers
- Freephone line open 12pm – 6pm Monday to Friday
Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris, TD, officially launched the National Apprenticeship Office Freephone advice helpline at Government Buildings on19 January 2022. This is a year-round, free advice service, where advisors will be on hand to assist those with apprenticeship queries and those looking to find the right apprenticeship to suit their skills and interests.
Calling 1800 794487 offers learners a direct means to engage with career advisors with in-depth knowledge of a wide range of current national programmes.
Minister Harris said, “I am delighted to launch this valuable apprenticeship helpline, which will provide essential guidance to career seekers. We now have 66 programmes geared around addressing critical skills gaps needed to steer Ireland’s future development.
“This helpline is a vital resource to support the needs of potential apprentices in Ireland, in accessing important information that will help them to make informed choices around their education and career aspirations. Not only will this helpline guide school leavers, guardians and career seekers through the apprenticeship system, but it will provide reassurance, support and relevant information to help build their future careers.”
Hairstylist and make up artist Diane Kelly who is planning to register for the apprenticeship in Hairdressing and who availed of the free 1800 794487 service said: “The free helpline makes it very handy to talk with someone and get the information I needed; I would recommend it to anyone looking for more information on apprenticeships.”
Apprentice electrician Zain Kenny with King and Moffatt in Carrick-on-Shannon said, “The Freephone helpline is a great option for anyone who needs a bit of help navigating the apprenticeship system. Access to information and a person at the end of the line can make all the difference to potential apprentices and current apprentices employers out there.”
Director of the National Apprenticeship Office, Dr Mary Liz Trant said, “Apprenticeships are vital to Ireland’s future skills pool and workforce, developed in partnership with the enterprise community to create jobs where skills are needed most. The 1800 794487 Freephone number is a great tool in communicating the diversity of apprenticeship careers to all. It helps to provide information and guidance on the exciting range of programmes available such as Tech, BioPharma, Construction, Engineering, Finance, Hospitality and much more. On behalf of the National Apprenticeship Office, I would like to thank the Minister and our career advisors, in particular Mary Lucey of Career Ahead for her expert support over recent months as we launch the Freephone helpline on a year round basis.”
The 1800 794487 Freephone Helpline began taking calls in 2022. The National Apprenticeship Office has recorded over 1,000 calls made to date.
The Freephone Helpline is a key part of the National Apprenticeship Office’s commitments under the Action Plan for Apprenticeship 2021-2025, to ensure the development of an accessible and user-friendly system for all.