Dundalk school Coláiste Chú Chulainn has been nominated by the State examinations Commission (SEC) to host the deferred Leaving Certificate exams for all of Louth over the coming weeks.
Principal Thomas Sharkey explained, “This is the first time ever that a deferred sitting facility has been made available. A very small number of students across Louth were unable to sit one or more papers in the main sitting in June due to serious accident, injury, or illness: due to close family bereavement: or on public health grounds due to Covid-19. They will have the opportunity to sit the deferred exam from 30th June to the 16th of July.”
“The State Examinations Commission selected one school per county to host these sittings. The modern facilities and accessible nature of our school meant that Coláiste Chú Chulainn was selected. We are proud to facilitate this initiative. It brings fairness and accessibility to everybody. The efficient running of this set of exams will allow for results to be issued as soon as possible.”