Legacy QA Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

Following the amalgamations of Co. Meath VEC, Co. Louth VEC and one former SOLAS (FÁS) training centre, LMETB re-engaged with QQI, the independent State agency responsible for promoting quality and accountability in education and training services in Ireland.

QQI published Core Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines in April 2016, followed by the Sector Specific Guidelines for ETBs in May 2017.

LMETB has, since its establishment in 2013, been operating under “legacy” quality assurance agreements, policies and procedures, but is now working on developing a common set of quality assurance policies and procedures that will apply to all its FET services and centres.

The resource documents associated with the legacy QA Agreements are listed below for information purposes. For QA policies and procedures specific to each LMETB centre under the legacy agreements, please contact the centre in question directly.

wooden blocks spelling legacy

For more information

FET Quality Assurance Office

FET Centre, Chapel St, Dundalk,
Co. Louth, A91 C7D8

Contact: Angela Cahill
Tel: 087 123 5572
Email: qualityassurance@lmetb.ie